Project Rouge

Project ROUGE takes place in a Cyberpunk world. mega corporation, augmentations and secrets that are out of this world. the story follows a young women a science experiment a guinea pig. she travels to a new district to get revenge. in that area she finds her uncel. Liam a spector, a spector takes direct order from the goverment. both are starting to gather secrets of a bigger picture or a symbol for others.

Project TORI

Project TORI is more a world I created. Influenced by Final fantasy 15 and Touken Ranbu etc.. Torii's are on entries of shrines in Japan. In my world-building I used them literary as gates to a brand new world, the ____ realm. this realm is twice as big as earth. there is Lore behind that. -"the first God" created Life and death. he created more gods to so he can retire when everything is set and done. he split earth and the ____ realm, he placed gates for access. time past,"the first god" left with out saying good bye. on both sides are humans different but same. one day a god rampaged on earth many people died. other gods pushed him in to the ____realm one god sacrificed himself to teleport him and the god who rampaged to the furthest corner of the realm and set both in stone. still even in stone a darkness rise possess people embed with power from him. So one god to took action. He did the same. shared is Power to Humans trained them, teach them. created spirits who are more powerful. He went to the realm to find the stone-gods to put an end. He gave his student rules with that power, an oath. on both sides should they shall be protected spirits shall protect the realm, Humans protect earth, Gatekeepers he called. time past, 1000 years past, bloodlines from the original keepers spread. Might and power ruled the land. Kingdoms established over the years some are Gatekeepers, some are Kings and Rulers for use of Gatekeepers. that was the Lore how all came to be in short and easy. 2022 Still the land are ruled by Kings and there Table. some nations have democracy. the gatekeepers are still in office as royle guards or protect the Gates still. We start with Liam he is a relative of a fighting school for Gatekeepers. Gatekeepers fight like the old days with swords and magic. Liam is in the 6th generation of Teachers. Liam is one of the main views in the story.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore eius molestiae perferendis eos provident vitae iste.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore eius molestiae perferendis eos provident vitae iste.